jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite dog Breed

My favorite dog breed is Rottweiler, although it has been classified as a murderer or aggressive, in the background are so kind, loving and loyal as any other dog. It is also a smart dog.
The Rottweiler is a dog of great strength and power, also has a very strong personality, that we must control him since childhood.  It is important to have discipline and habits with these dogs as their character and territoriality do a double-edged sword, especially if you don't want to appear on the news for dog attack, basically the fault is of the owner and not the dog.
Another highlight is the training, they are dogs with a high potential, but without training, we will have a wild and undisciplined dog. An important advice to follow is to educate with a firm hand but a loving way, and respond better than chained or locked in a cage, something that people often do and that is why we hear bad news about this race.
Since ancient times this breed was selected for its power and ability to defend the herds and cattle traders.
It is believed that the dogs come from hounds, that Romans bred to fight against lions.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

 Hello!, I'm Carlos Salinas Apiolaza, i born on Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm 21 years old and I live in Santiago of Chile. At elementary school i go to IDOP and next i finish my high school in Colegio San Agustin, El Bosque.
In 2010 I started studying computer science civil engineering at the University of Santiago, but for reasons of taste I changed in 2011 to veterinary medicine at the University of Chile.
In my free time I like to go to facebook, play computer games like World of Warcraft, hanging out with my friends, but what I like most is a barbecue especially if it is on the beach.
In the future I would like to specialize in surgery, because I've always liked this area and especially knowing that I can be layered to save the life of a pet that are part of a family.