Hello every one, on this publication i will talk about why i want to be a vet. When i was a child
wasn't sure that would be on future, aproximately at 14 years i start to have an idea of my future, i think that is necessary to have some age to decide what i gonna do the rest of my life. First i think on money, at this society money open a great number of doors, thats why i decide to go for medicin, human medicin, but in time start to like me the idea, when i finish the school i enter on engineering, but a day of winter i was on my desk on my room with my little dog Shamira, she look me with two big eyes and i know it, my future is on animals and medicin like the beginning, next to that i finish with engineering, and at next year i enter on this faculty.
A future vision of myself is to be a veterinarian on a clinic becouse i like the minor clinic, the surgery, that kind of things, save the life of a pet that is part of a family is really important to me.